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The SEEDS Network

Posts byThe SEEDS Network

Making the first day count

I have to admit, I love the first day of school! I can remember as a young child not being able to sleep the night before the first day of school due to the excitement and anticipation I felt. And now, as a Director of an early childhood center, I still become excited about the first day of school. This week my staff has
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New project underway!

Tressa and I had fun today working on a new project that we are looking to bring to our website REALLY SOON! It’s a program that we’ve been doing locally here in Connecticut, but we wanted to find some way to be able to share it online for any early childhood teacher, parent play group or recreational organization to use and have fun with.
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Favorite preschool Summer Olympic activities

The Summer Olympics are a great way of teaching children about sportsmanship, teamwork and trying your best. As the Summer Olympics wrap up this weekend, we think back to our “Summer Olympics at summer camp” week and some of the favorite activities that were part of our games! Making the Rings Before our camp opening ceremonies, each class worked on making the Olympic rings
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Pinterest early childhood link-up

Are you on Pinterest?? Do you like to follow other preschool teachers, parents and blogger boards to get ideas for your classroom, play group, homeschool, birthday party (… the list goes on, doesn’t it?!). If you are looking for some great pin boards to follow that are related to early childhood ideas, concepts, practices … then here’s where you can start! Debbie Clement at
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Summer Olympics at summer camp

With the 2012 Summer Olympics starting this weekend, our Summer Camp is planning an Olympic themed week next week! They are super excited and have a lot of fun activities planned. The different classes will create their own team flags, make their own medals and have an Opening Ceremony celebration. They have planned a really great mix of activities – some inspired by actual
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How is full-day K changing the preK experience?

There is no doubt that Full-Day Kindergarten is sweeping our nation. More and more school districts across the country are finding funding and space to offer a longer day of instruction verses a shorter half day. Over the past few years an abundance of research has been provided to prove that there are many benefits for the full day model. And so, the district
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Emotional differences between preschoolers and school-aged children

In this video clip (filmed for ehow.com), I talk a little about the emotional differences between preschool and school-age children. For a lot of schools that have both preschool and school-aged students, it’s really important for teachers to understand that there’s going to be emotional differences. Understanding the emotional differences between these two age groups can help teachers to create better environments for them.
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Helping shy preschoolers in your classroom

Today we’ll share a video clip that we filmed for ehow.com, about ways teachers can help make a shy preschooler smile and feel comfortable. It’s no doubt that sometimes you’ll have preschoolers coming in your class who are very shy and a little bit timid. And so, what you want to do as an educator and as a teacher is to find ways to
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Picking up your child at the end of the day

For parents and children, the end of the day can be a busy and stressful time. When picking up young children from their child care center … are we connecting with our child and child’s teacher … OR are we on the phone, sending texts or focused on where we have to rush off to next? Author and parenting speaker Bill Corbett provides some tips for
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Picking up baby at the end of the day

We had a question on a recent blog post about picking up your child at the end of the day. Monica asked the following question: “I will soon be sending my 6 month baby to child care and am wondering how to reconnect. She is already having stranger anxiety and we’ve developed a strong bond. I don’t want her to be mad at me for
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